Trust me, I’m a Physiotherapist
Haha another funny video from @beardthebestyoucanbe! 😁👍
Here is his original post:
“What have I started?
Well, for some it started a very important conversation. A conversation we in the fitness industry must have
Are we delivering quality information and education to the people who need it?
Or are we distracting people from what is truly important, and covering them up with bandaids instead of fixing serious internal dysfunctions. Either out of ignorance, or just to grow a following, collect money, and sell people hope
There is no good or bad form, because form is dependent on our intent and application. Which will be dependent on our goals and individualized needs. Make sure your joints have the ability and capacity to achieve the outcome you desire, in whichever form you choose to train in
There is no good or bad posture, because we must train the body to be strong in all postures. Training in one posture, or a small handful of postures, is not conducive to our lifestyle or sports
A functional exercise can’t be functional unless the joints involved are functioning correctly, or at the level needed to effectively perform the exercise under the load that is being asked
If we train the human body INTERNALLY we can resolve many issues, and greatly enhance our athletic ability, performance, functionality, resiliency, and longevity
But we continue to prioritize an external concept – THE exercise. As opposed to the internal environment – our joints and connective tissues, and nervous system
We continue to force this idea of “good form”, to achieve a “good posture”, all while attempting a loaded movement. Instead, we should prioritize the functionality of our joints FIRST (and often), and increase their ability and capacity to achieve these type of movements, especially under load. It’s just the wrong mindset overall, and the lack of knowledge of how to achieve this outcome is frustrating
This is a conversation that must continue. The state of our evolution depends on it.”
What do you think of this?
Do you agree?
Let us know! 😊👍
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August 16, 2018 at 02:51PM